
Sunday, October 4, 2015


Assalamualaikum, Pals!

Campus life is a little bit harder now. It's getting tough. Hectic weeks. No holidays. Never-ending assignments.

"So, this is how the third year of college is", I thought.

I don't have the time to blog. The ideas of what to post don't even come to me. My mind is full of assignments and organization tasks and I can't even think clearly about them.

"I'm on my way to be mature now", I guessed.

I think that being on the third year of college now is a little bit the same with the first year. I need to learn how to organize the schedule. How to divide the time I have into academics, organization, hobbies, and refreshing. It's an adaptation. Again.

I miss my holiday. I could take as many photoshoots as I want. Put on some lipsticks and eyeliner. Making collages as soon as I was getting an idea. But again, this is an adaptation. To be a mature version of me. To be a person with a thing.

I don't want to be a person who complains all the time. I even had a promise with myself not to write any complaining status on social medias. I did a little bit, though :( But that's just because, I need to waste the unknown yet bad feeling out of my body. I even made it more into humor so people won't feel my negative energy. Some statuses were deleted soon too. Really...

What I'm so thankful is that this blog still has the audiences even when the latest posts were some late posts and not some up-to-date posts. Big thanks to some blogger communities I join. The communities really do affect my ability and luck in blogging.

See you, Pals. I do really need your positive energy by commenting below.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ada yg perlu dikorbanin untuk merasa bahagia dan menggebu dan bersemangat saat bangun tiap harinya.
    Semangat war

  3. Banyak kok yang mengeluhkan karena kuliah jadi update blog jarang. Termasuk saya hehe. Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya pernah baca tips, yang intinya kita harus menantang diri kita sendiri untuk selalu konsisten mengerjakan hobi kita (setidaknya 2 minggu atau 1 bulan sekali). Kalau untuk ide, sebetulnya dari keseharian banyak yang bisa ditulis, coba bikin list nya ya lalu dikelompokkan ke label/kategori. Tulis saja apa yang menarik bagi kamu, tidak perlu terlalu mengikuti trend orang2,

    Sorry panjang. Semoga kita sama-sama bisa meluangkan waktu untuk ngeblog ataupun melakukan hobi kita lainnya walaupun tugas kuliah dan organisasi bejibun hehe. Semangat.

    Salam kenal,
    Vida | Polkalicious

    1. Aku sebenarnya udah punya target juga untuk blogku, makanya aku bisa mengukur kalo postinganku dari segi kuantitas sesuai target apa belum. That's why I could write this post, hehe.

      Thanks for your advice, kak Vida. Salam kenal juga :)

  4. Haha gue sih udah tahu fase ini pasti bakalan terjadi ketika kita sudah memasuki dunia kuliah atau kerja, kadang gak ada waktu ngeblog apa lagi kalau ikutan organisasi. Gak ushda organisasi deh, kadang tugas yang numpung bikin steres dan rasanya pengin liburan dan liburan...

    tetep semangat ya, jalanin aja, gue yakin entar juga balik ke fase dimana lo bisa ngeblog sepuasnya :v

    salam kenal

    1. Iya dijalanin aja kok, namanya juga adaptasi. Sepertinya proses adaptasi itu akan selalu ada selama kita hidup, pertanda kalo kita udah waktunya naik level.

      Salam kenal juga :)
      Sering2 main sini yaaa...


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