
Monday, December 12, 2016

Semut's Singapore Trip Day 2

Day 2: October 4th, 2016

#1 Singapore National Stadium

The second day in Singapore, we went to Singapore National Stadium and did some observation.

We felt the place, also took some pictures of the building and ourselves in the building haha.

Singaporeans seem so ambitious with their health that I always found them jogging in any place and any time

#2 School of The Arts (SOTA) Singapore

The next destination, Semut was separated into 2 groups. One of the groups went to an architecture company (which I forgot the name) and another group went to visit School of The Arts Singapore (SOTA). I chose to come to SOTA so I could give one of the limited seats of the Architecture company visitation to the one that seriously wants to have a career in Architecture.

I have no words, the school building was beautiful. Its walls are made of concrete and woods, and the ceilings were so high. It has some alleys where wind could come through.

Art installations were like in every corner of the building
So, guys, that's all the short 2nd day in Singapore. We're in SOTA just in a short time and were brought to Chinatown. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photo there because I was too excited to do shopping (It's like I went there every evening after Semut's tour timeline lol).

To be cotinued...



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