
Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Selfie on the Balcony

My face is not made for selfie, even after using some make-up. Terlebih lagi hp-ku nggak punya kualitas yang cukup baik buat selfie. So, saat wanita lekat dengan stereotype sekali selfie dapet ratusan foto, stereotype itu nggak berlaku di aku. Aku sangat jarang selfie karena pada akhirnya foto itu nggak bisa aku apa-apain juga, bahkan dipampang di instastory pun agak malu-maluin. Like, apa sih esensinya foto selfie yang kameranya biasanya bohong, yang bisa dilihat cuma muka, dan nggak punya cerita apa-apa?

But there came a day when I did my makeup, I did my hijab do, and found a good lighting to support my selfie-picture taking. Plus some curtain play to step up the selfie game. Oh, and some photo-editing tools to make them more Instagram-worthy.

This is when I adore myself physically haha. I bet you adore your appearance too sometimes, right? ;)
You need to, girls. Trust me!

By the way, just wanna write it here that I've finally found the lipstick color that I love. This is not sponsored at all (I got some fee from the company monthly but not for this post). I love Wardah Intense Matte Lipstick number 10. Not like other girls, I dislike wearing nude colors because it's not natural at all on me, it just makes my dark lips look worse. And I'm not comfortable with lip cream because I feel like there's something on my lips that disturbs me.


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