
Monday, December 14, 2015

Ngampus Cantik Berkat

Halo, Pals! Mau nanya nih, buat kamu yang sudah kuliah atau sedang les. Kamu kalau ngampus atau berangkat les biasanya pakai baju apa, sih? Apa ada aturan tertentu dari kampus buat outfit kamu?

Sebenarnya, ada peraturan di kampus saya tentang pakaian yang boleh dikenakan mahasiswanya, yaitu pakaian berkerah, yang paling banyak hasil akhirnya adalah kemeja atau polo shirt. Tapi ya, karena memang anak-anak jurusan saya suka bandel, beberapa dari kita sering nggak nurutin peraturan ini dan mengenakan baju yang nggak berkerah. Bahkan karena saya berhijab, kayaknya saya lebih sering pakai baju yang nggak berkerah, kayak main deh pokoknya.

Saya sering banget pakai baju ditumpuk (kaos sama outer aja, kok) demi mengakali ke kampus pakai kaos. Saya memang nggak suka sih pakai kaos plus jeans aja. Serasa nggak ada perjuangannya gitu. Selain itu rasanya nggak nyaman, karena kurang longgar atau bahannya nempel di badan. Sampai akhirnya, masa-masa sibuk mahasiswa tingkat tiga pun tiba. Saya diharuskan cepat dalam berpakaian. Mata kuliah pun banyak yang menuntut untuk presentasi, dan saya pikir, apa pantas presentasi dengan penampilan kurang rapi? Tergeraklah saya untuk mencari-cari kemeja.

Tidak mudah. Ya, tidak mudah mencari kemeja sesuai kriteria saya. Saya memang orangnya ribet dalam hal pakaian. Kriteria kemeja yang saya cari: lengan panjang, longgar, nggak terawang, murah, potongannya unik. Beberapa minggu, setiap kali ke mall, yang saya cari adalah kemeja dengan kriteria seperti itu. Jadinya, ya nggak ketemu-ketemu.

Sampai akhirnya, saya browsing di beberapa online shop, termasuk Sebenarnya sih, ini bukan kali pertama saya buka fashion e-commerce yang banyak bekerja sama dengan blogger dan artis ini. Tapi rasanya waktu itu momennya tepat sekali.

Saya menemukan sebuah kemeja yang sesuai dengan kriteria saya: lengan panjang, longgar, nggak terawang, dan berpotongan unik. Beruntung bagi saya yang blogger ini, saya bisa mendapatkan baju itu hanya dengan Rp79.000 saja. Walaupun pada awalnya, saya bingung antara mau beli kemeja ini atau cardigan yang ada pitanya. Maklum ya, uang masih minta orang tua, jadi harus tahan nafsu. Tapi ternyata, cardigan itu sold out. Memang udah jodoh deh sama kemeja ini.

Bethany Shirt dari Ryoji ini tersedia dalam dua warna, dongker dan hitam. Saya memutuskan memilih dongker karena saya sedang suka warna ini. Setelah ditambahkan ke keranjang belanja dan proses yang biasa dilalui di online shop lain, saya pun membayar pesanan saya lewat atm sejumlah Rp79.023. Oh iya, saya belum bilang ya kalau di ini, biaya pengiriman gratis! How glad :”

Tiga hari kemudian pesanan saya datang dan senang sekali melihat bajunya secara nyata. Kartu bertuliskan “thank you” pun membuat saya makin senang dengan pelayanannya.

Nah, pasti udah pada bosan kan liat postingan saya dari atas tadi isinya tulisan aja? Ini dia nih penampilan saya dengan Bethany Shirt yang dibeli di Kebetulan saya memadukannya dengan skinny skirt. Supaya kesannya nggak terlalu formal, saya memilih memakai sneakers dan tote bag denim.

Detail bagian belakang Bethany Shirt

Bagaimana perasaan saya memakai baju ini?
  1. Senang. Ya iyalah! Saya bisa menyesuaikan gaya saya dengan fashion item yang jarang saya pakai. Memang benar ya, tampil dengan gaya favorit makin mudah dengan
  2. Bahagia. Harganya nggak terlalu menguras kantong. juga sering update koleksinya setiap pekan, loh. Variasinya banyak dan kamu bisa milih item untuk tampil sesuai gaya favorit kamu.
  3. Nyaman. Walaupun bukan dipilih dari tab pakaian muslim, atasan ini tetap wearable buat muslimah berhijab, karena longgar.
  4. Cantik. Merasa cantik itu bisa muncul karena kamu nyaman dengan pakaian yang kamu kenakan. Apalagi baju ini punya efek ‘swing-swing’ dengan potongannya yang unik. Kayak gini, nih.

Nah, itu dia salah satu pengalaman saya belanja cantik di, biar bisa ngampus cantik. Abis ini bakalan ngasih bintang lima deh buat review di Nah, kalau kamu, gimana gaya ngampus kamu? Gimana cara kamu tampil dengan gaya favorit?



Sunday, November 29, 2015

Every Artwork is A Perfect Photo Background

Do you agree with the title? Nowadays, people are so usual with photographs. The existence of Instagram and other visual-based social media makes everybody a photographer, a journalist. People are starving on good pictures.

And well, me too. Hahaha. I have warned you to be ready seeing my face on many photos, right? Hahaha. Yes, you're right. This is still about Biennale Jatim 6 I visited last week. Every single photo where my face is shown was taken by my friend, Cahya (well, who else?).

This is Cahya
Remember the space with pop art atmosphere? We tried to imitate the expressions.

And imitated the fashion installations too...

"Gula Itu Merah, Jendral!" probably was the favourite of most people who came here. Because there were some wings for us to take some pictures. I did too to look like angels. But, I was also interested in a big writing "Manisnya Gula". Felt like "I'm sweet, so I want a picture with me under it" hahaha.

Unfortunately blurred :(

 As I promised in the post part 2, you'll see the wall which was full of bran.

Cahya saw the next room and she was sooo excited. Since she was a kind-hearted girl who's active in campus teaching program called ITS Mengajar and she loves children so much.

And the time came. The spaces below made me oh-so-happy and resulted in oh-so-happy pictures.

We're so tired walking and were very happy to find a sofa

How? Get bored with my face? It's your lucky day because we finally come to the last photo, "vespa commercial poster".

So, do you agree that artworks are perfect for photo background or set?
I'm hoping to see you soon, Pals. Oh, and please pray for my final projects. Thank you for your time that was spent to visit this blog!



*Ok, I lied. This is really the last picture. We tried to take pictures with the timer, but we got caught!

An Artsy Saturday Night at Biennale Jatim 6 (part 2)

Assalamualaikum, Pals. It was already last week, but I want to continue to our next steps in Biennale Jatim 6. Next step was in front of the fashion installations. It was a dark room and I found some pieces like this:

It's made of used scanner and it's turned on!
Next room was really red. It's a historical artwork with the wall written with an old timeline about sugar industry in Indonesia in the colonial era. Still in the same room, a decoration was created like a dreamland on the red sky, completed with flying houses, clouds, and wings (for photo freak). This artwork was titled "Gula Itu Merah, Jendral" or "The Sugar is Red, General!".

Many people came as couples :"
Stepped to the next room, our noses were touched by the contaminated air. It's a room with the wall filled of bran, the waste of rice milling. You'll see the wall on my next post, Pals.

I think they're art students. Came to write down the artworks and the artists.

Seems like a crime scene, huh?

They're drawn with pencils, Pals 0.0

I love this room below. It has an installation made of used bicycle. I thought of spinning it, but I was doubt because we're forbidden to touch the artworks in the first time we enter the exhibition. But I saw someone spinning it on Instagram -.-

The dolls were made of reused bottle

A decor inspiration for those who loves pop and vintage in the same time
 And finally, we're so close to the exit door! We found some 'vehicles', hahaha.

You probably wonder why there's no pictures of me in 2 posts about this event. Don't get it wrong, Pals! I'm still the face of this blog. So, prepare yourself. You should be ready to be bored seeing my face on the next post.

See ya,


Sunday, November 22, 2015

An Artsy Saturday Night at Biennale Jatim 6 (part 1)

"Arts Ecosystem: Now!"

That tagline succeeded to make my curiosity coming out. I imagined amazing paintings, fantastic installations, a cool event to be reviewed on the blog! Because there will be many good photographs I guessed. And yes, it's not many but soooo many. I'm very confused to pick the photos I want to post. Because they're all so cool and I want you to see all of the artworks. That's why this post will be in more than a part. I even didn't take the pictures of all the artworks and I'm still confused. When I edited the photos, I've just realized why I was so tired while walking around the exhibition.

This year's Biennale Jatim is the 6th and this event, according to the website, is held once in 2 years. Biennale Jatim 6 is held in Balai Pemuda Surabaya in 11th-24th of November. So, there are 2 days more for you to come!

The painting welcomed us
I came with my friend, Cahya right after maghrib and it was quiet there. We filled the guest book and decided to really enjoy the artworks without touching the camera (especially me) in the first round and would take another round for just taking pictures. But apparently it's not a good decision because the situation became crowded in our second round.

Coming to the exhibition, we're welcomed with a very big painting. Well, most of the paintings there were in the big sizes or in small sizes but were put in a certain way so people could enjoy from a few meters (well I learned architecture here). There were also some stories of this event and history of art in Surabaya.

Stepping to the next door, we still saw paintings...

The fish looks clearer in the photo
My friend, Cahya, with the painting that tells about traffic jam and Jakarta's busway
It looks 3D from a certain angle
Actually, there were more paintings but I didn't take all of them in photographs. We stepped up through a small stair. Here, we see three-dimensional artworks. This space was full of people and it's so difficult to take a photo.

Made of used bicycles and pipes
The 'mushrooms' are made of ceramics

The insects were made of recycled glass
A part of a wood doll land
Next, some designed rooms. Each room was decorated in a certain theme...

Next space gave a little pop atmosphere...

And finally, I saw fashion!

Next step was...
Wanna know more?
See ya in the next post!


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